Saturday, March 13, 2010

lonely day..

in a relationship do wonder what is important? is trust and honesty or giving in to each other, or it all boils down to money, or maybe the little things we should remember or dont remember. so what keeps a healthy relationship? i do believe couples do quarrel either because of the little things or things we dont remember or things we did or shouldnt do, the reason are wide.. but the question is that does these things have to do with money or just the day to day basic.. from i believe i am not too good with all these i guess but then i do tend to do what is possible for me, so in the end you do wonder.. why things happen and why things dont happen, is a simple sorry enough or is there more we need to do? can things be solve easily or what.. i mean these are things i cant explain.. so i shall just let it be.. or try to fix it... hmm...