Sunday, September 05, 2010

it is always about the bigger picture

most of the time, we are ask to look at the bigger picture in life or the long term, look towards the future, and it mainly means not just the things that are impact in the immediate future but things that may be a factor in the longer run.. but what if your near future is far fetch, i mean you current target seems to unlikely coming true yet we need to look so far ahead.. There is a saying which is if you dont have so big head, dont wear so big hat.. i mean we have to take things as it is.. having a plan is good but i guess we must make sure the smaller picture is able to be done before we can think about the bigger picture, yes of cos we can start to think about the big picture first but dont get too carried away and dreams of things of sky high.. do come back to earth and start to think about the things around us and think about it.. hmmmm.. i guess this really isnt making any sense rite now.. but anyways... i am just sayin

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


when we were young, our teacher would ask us this, bila besar nak jadi apa? then a whole list of jobs would come out.. but actually i really forgot what i wanted to be when i was younger. and as we grow older, of cos out ambition was more realistic. and then we go to university or college depending on what we can afford of cos.. After few years of fun and enjoying the life, we have to come back to the real world and step into the working world... I think most of our dreams then was running high, thinking we would be somewhere top or do amazing things, earn the big bucks, and thought that nothing could stop us.. BUT after a few weeks into the job.. then u start to see the real picture.. dreams are dreams.. how come the working world doesnt work as i expected it to be.. ooppsss.. mistake.. did i fuck up somewhere.. then from weeks to months.. you see the how the working life is like.. nothing as u dream of.. nothing peachy and you start to realize these few simple rule... ONE. working hard gets you nowhere, it is how you talk to your boss and know how to take credit for things not done by you, how well you know the people around you. which leads to TWO. office politics.. true? which office dont have politics.. like it is not bad enough in the outside world, office also politics kau kau.. the boss like who, dont like who, who steps on whose tail, who betray who, THREE. always suck up to your boss.. because he will be the one who promotes people, give you increment, give you bonus, but i am sure not all the boss are the same, i think there will be a few out there who generally do look out for the hard working and really about to perform rather than just sucking up and play politics.. and of the lastly THE ART OF TAI CHI, seriously those old timers are really good at it, anything goes wrong.. the blame goes to everybody else except himself or herself.. this art to tai chi is really important to survive and stay long in a company. so now.. do tell if the things i say are wrong.. but as for me.. dreams remains a dream and i do wish i can have a holiday for 1 month just to stay lazy.. hahah... cos i am lazy and bored of working for now.. i guess u can say who isnt..

Friday, July 23, 2010

the football

welll... it has been almost 2 weeks since the world cup has ended.. i guess now most people can get enough sleep since it has been a month everybody was working or studying half hearted.. including me.. of cos.. but then in a few more weeks time the EPL will start.. i can say that the girlfriends are now very happy cos they guys will be free on weekends untill the football fever starts again.. i would have to say it was a not bad world cup.. although SPAIN didnt really lift up to their potential but in the end they won the WORLD CUP. As for DUTCH, sad to say you guys are runner up again for the third time, i guess you will be wondering when would you guys catch a break. I have to say, this world cup I find diego forlan to be amazing, he really deserve the player of tournament award, and germany muller and schweinsteiger to be good. nothing else brillant out there but i have to say Japan and South korea was getting better. Good fight from them. So i guess 4 more years later in Brazil or 2 more years for the euro.. hope it will be much much better..

Sunday, April 25, 2010


i just wanna write something about football.. no surprise to anyone that the club i support is ARSENAL yet i sud be supporting my own local scene.. but then this is beside the point.. anyways.. it has been 5 seasons and still trophyless.. and i guess as a fan you can say it is quite disappointing every year hoping to do well but at then end.. and today we really suck cos we cant even play good football.. even if we lost we always is remember as the team playing the most entertaining football.. but yet.. today wasnt the case.. we didnt lost to barca but we didnt bounce back up.. and if we did.. we could have been fighting for the title not just being happy with 3rd placing.. i am bored with the excuses sometimes... because we had injury.. come on... u know and i know that injury do happen.. it just happen to be that our team have more.. and we cant cope.. and we lack of good player and quality defenders and goal keeper.. i mean we did this to ourselves, well the manager did.. i dont blame him but it is the fact that when we had 3 old defenders.. we needed a young defender.. which did not happen.. and then we say oh.. cos of our injury we cant challenge.. i think we had to go pass this and think of something rather than season after season using this same excuse.. we the fan is not please with this.. and we have to admit that teams do get injuries so we have to live with this face.. we need to solve this fact.. and not blame it around.. and one more thing which i dun really get it is that.. why do we put so much on the tottenham rivalry.. for me i really fucking hate man utd.. seriously how many times have they kill our dreams and spoil so many record for us.. and yet we put the rivalry between tottenham which we always beat so far more important.. we cant even look at the bigger picture.. sigh.. yes winning tottenham is important but winning man utd and chelsea is as important.. or not how are we goin to challenge for the title.. all i can say for this season is just SIGH.. i give up.. fan may give many reason but we have to face the fact.. hopefully next season would be a better one and we get some good signing..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


just during the weekend i was with my frens out checking out the houses and condo around pj area.. and bloody fuckin hell the condo prices are bloody expensive.. for 300k for a 1200 condo.. wow.. i mean unless you are earing around 5k or so then you can afford such a place but if not.. how can you.. and of cos if bought you and your partner is sharing then sure.. affordable but the prices nowadays.. it is not even landed property... and yet so many people around here can buy such high prices making u think that money is easily earn in kl.. and u start to think how come it is so easy for some people yet u still see many people struggling to make end day meal.. sigh.. the facts of life.. sad but true.. i just dont understand is that these house or condo is so expensive yet people are grabbing it like it is on sale.. i really dun get it sometimes.. anyway but i guess people do need a place of their own no matter how much it cost.. i am just surprise that is all.. nothing much to complain just curious and pondering.. well it is what it is.. till then

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

steppin up in life

do you ever feel like you are behind, as in your frens and peers are moving so much faster yet you are still stuck at your current state... worst of all.. you know you are in so much deep shit and trying to figure a way out of this.. sigh.. i tend to think that being human we are jealous of things people get and good things coming their way wishing how come it couldnt be me.. some things are just human nature... but when you look back maybe some of this is your own doing and maybe some times it means you were not meant to make it big in life.. as a i said before i guess not everything was meant to be great or least try to be somewhere but fail.. but in the end you yourself must also put some work and initiative in it.. failing is painful but the beauty of falling is that you get up strong maybe beaten but strong and better while trying not to fall back down again in the same whole... but how come i tend to still fall back in the same hole, maybe i am always hoping to get something i could never get back.. sigh.. hope and dreams is what keeps us going on.. and lastly.. you are better than this.. dont fuck up your life.. noted to self also.. and there is saying to remind ourselves.. we can lose everything but believe in yourself you must never lose.. ending note.. damn barca.. sigh.. arsenal lost yet again.. messi is too damn good..

Saturday, March 13, 2010

lonely day..

in a relationship do wonder what is important? is trust and honesty or giving in to each other, or it all boils down to money, or maybe the little things we should remember or dont remember. so what keeps a healthy relationship? i do believe couples do quarrel either because of the little things or things we dont remember or things we did or shouldnt do, the reason are wide.. but the question is that does these things have to do with money or just the day to day basic.. from i believe i am not too good with all these i guess but then i do tend to do what is possible for me, so in the end you do wonder.. why things happen and why things dont happen, is a simple sorry enough or is there more we need to do? can things be solve easily or what.. i mean these are things i cant explain.. so i shall just let it be.. or try to fix it... hmm...

Monday, February 01, 2010

when to stop

when do you start to see things differently? How do you admit that you fucked up? Starting to look at the bigger picture is good, you dont see things from your side but from others also.. Anyway i just wana say, it is time for me to change.. For the better, if you know that way always pull you down then stop it.. But why keep tryin it, i guess there was a hope thinking it wud work but there is a limit rite.. So there stop hoping for that way.. Grow up now and things will change for the better..

Monday, January 25, 2010

debt and credit

does it make you wonder how many around you actually owe credit card money.. you would like to believe most of us dont as the interest is quite high if u dont pay up.. but in reality, many of us does.. it is not a good habit but then sometimes we cant help it.. it does prove a point also.. actually we dont really have the spending power like we are suppose to.. or do just want the better things in life.. and now with the 50 buck impose on each credit card you have.. meaning most of the people wont generally cut the cards they dont need.. but in fact.. would we.. it is like dammit, i dont have enough cash till the end of the month... so logically we would just swipe the card and use it first thinking we would pay up when it is time.. but as time goes by the amount we pay increase as the usage increase.. then tada.. we are in debt.. i have to admit this.. i use to pay in time and there wasnt any carry forward amount to be paid the following month.. but things got out a hand once or twice.. now... ermm... this is what happen.. but i do feel some do take personal loan to cover the debt in credit card or balance transfer.. i am just thinking.. how or when can we only settle all these debts.. there is a saying once u reach the working world.. u work all your life just to pay off debts.. you would be lucky if u have some savings.. but then it means we are just slave in the system.. i do sometimes envy those you see dont have money worries or those u see in the middle of working time can go around and many around us u think what do they do for a living.. while some work so damn fucking hard, those just enjoy life.. yes i know nothing is easy but then sometimes it makes you wonder it is really worth it.. sigh.. for me.. i do hope to settle my debts ASAP well hopefully before i get older this year.. and have a bit of saving for.. ahem.. my future investment i shall name is as.. hehe... so i do hope most of you dont fall in the credit card trap like i did and many others..

Saturday, January 02, 2010

with new year come new beginning.. i hope

hmmm.. everytime when it is new year... we would be happy.. but then come the resolution part.. and things u hope to improve yourself and the usual crap.. yes of cos everybody will try to follow but i can guess not many can do it.. for me the new year is a new hope and beginning for a better year and not to fucked it up.. well as my year ending of 2009 was not a good one.. well it was quite a bad one and so was 2008.. it always happens the same for me that is.. the ending always bad... i dunno why.. sigh.. well the beginning of 2010 isnt so good as i already started with debts.. many many many debts.. sigh.. i work of cos i need to jump ahead man.. this is taking me no where.. but most important i would like be financially stable for this whole year! preparing for well i can say something important that need money.. so for me i just hope everybody would have a better 2010 than 2009 cos it doesnt matter what happen in 2009 as u learn from mistake that is why people make mistake .. but dont be an idiot of keep repeating these mistake.. as for me .. would hope to the better year ahead and hope something good will come out of it.. cheers... to a great year ahead.. *cross my fingers*